Sunday 16 September 2012

Telepathy or Coincidence

I had been working with this person for over a year in a stressful project with tight deadlines. We got along pretty well which it was a blessing considering the amount of hours of work, the stress and the fact that we were sharing the same small office.

One day I was focused in my morning‘s routine when this melody kept going and going in my mind as only minds know how to do in a loop.  My co worker arrived and while he was putting his stuff on his desk he began to whistle the same melody.

How could that be possible? How could be possible that at the same moment I was thinking in this melody he started to whistle it? Was that a telepathy phenomena or just a very odd coincidence? Could two people’s thoughts get in some kind of harmony after sharing long time together or they just get to know each other so well that start to anticipate the other behaviours?